Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog. There is games on the left side, so feel free to play the games. Have fun and please comment on my blog and follow my blog (you can also follow me on Twitter with the Twitter follow me button on the left side above the games)....I like lollipops!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Hi peoples! Lately I have been playing toontown a lot. It is an AWESOME game where you make your own toon play games and explore the online world of toontown! It is SO ADDICTING!!!!! My toon's name is Fat Spunky Twinkleburger and Bailea's is Bubbles Bageltooth! They are supposed to have funny names, but most people name their toon something boring like Twilight, Ben, or Joe.
Bailea is sleeping over tonight. I have a choir concert on 1-19-10. I'm in the spelling bee on 1-20-10. Look at the funny picture!